Will You Still Kneed Me?

At the risk of sounding like an old man, my knee’s been playing up for the past few weeks.

It’s something I’ve suffered from on and off for a few years that’s become markedly worse in recent months. I’ve seen a chiropractor regularly since I slipped a disk in my back thirteen years ago (unlucky for me) so I’m fully aware problems like this often stem from compensating for an injury elsewhere in the body, but whatever the cause, it's reached the point where walking can be painful and kneeling down's a near impossibility; I couldn’t join with an NFL protest if I wanted to.

At my last chiropractor appointment, he suggested I have it x-rayed, as my problem joint - I call him Mr Right - feels and moves differently to my left, so it’s worth ruling out the possibility of the early stages of arthritis. He said my GP would probably be reticent to do this - he was correct - but at it would be good to get the issue on record at least. The GP recommended pain killers and wearing a support initially (which I’ve bought and haven’t worn yet as it’s a little too tight / I'm a wuss) but I may book an x-ray with my chiropractor anyway, because I’m a stubborn git.

Is this the stage of life I’m at now? Am I already at the beginning of a physical decline? There’s always something; if it’s not my knee, it’s my shoulder or my back. How many joints do I need replaced before I qualify as a bionic man? I really must Google this.

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