Living in a Spin Cycle.

Annoyingly, after some consideration, I had to cancel tonight’s Leicester Square Theatre show too.

The reason for this is my labyrinthitis has come back with a vengeance over the last few days. I’d hoped taking yesterday off would help - it certainly did in the sense I didn’t have to go into London and throw myself about while doing my show - but if anything, I’m more dizzy today than I was then.

It hasn’t helped that the last few weeks have seen a lot of staring at my computer screen or my phone, primarily to settle details for Jack Dee and Ivo Graham’s appearance at Mostly Comedy next month. It’s a great coup for the club and we’re both very excited about it, but there’s been a lot of to-ing and fro-ing between us, their agent and our venue to finalise details, along with setting up the pre-sale and general sale links for the event so they were all ready to go. That, along with the admin for tomorrow’s show at the Market Theatre and my aborted shows at Leicester Square has taken up a lot of my time, and when my labyrinthitis rears its ugly head, looking at a bright screen for an extended period is about the worst thing to do.

It was a shame to pull tonight’s gig, particularly as there was going to be a pretty good turnout (for me), but ultimately, I know I couldn’t do it. I walked into town this afternoon primarily to check how dizzy I was and by the time I got to ASDA I knew I wasn’t good; the bright lights and repeating patterns on the floor set my vertigo off, and if I couldn’t cope in a supermarket, doing a show under bright lights would clearly be worse. Here’s hoping I feel better for tomorrow’s Mostly Comedy, though at least that’s only down the road and is less stressful in theory (he says, tempting fate).

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