"Thank you, Letchworth."

Tonight's preview at the Broadway Studio and Gallery was the best that I could wish for, giving me the bit of oomph I need to send me on to Edinburgh. 

For the first time, the show started to make sense as a whole, and I got an idea of how to pitch it. You'd think I'd know this already, being that I wrote it, but it's surprising how that isn't the case. A lot of the show started life in this blog, which is obviously a different format to a performance, and there are certain aspects in the putting together of a stand-up show that can only be realised and finalised in front of an audience. Tonight, I had the luxury of a roomful of people (literally; it was busy and everything) who for whatever reason were just the right group I needed to be able to walk the line between concentrating on what was written and what wasn't, and what still needs tying together and what doesn't. 

The room itself was a strong one for stand-up, despite being in the early stages of a refit and having a basic tech set-up. It helped that Glyn was there to assist and that the creative programmer was there too, with whom we have a good relationship, and who trusted us to get on with it and set it up how we needed it. While it was a fun room to play, it was nice to know that it would be the last time I'd need to go into a space, laden with equipment in a variety of suitcases and carrier bags - and have to turn it into a workable venue; once I get to Edinburgh and do my technical rehearsal and my first few previews I'll have the relative luxury of always doing the show in the same space, with technical support. I just want to keep hold of the feeling I had in my head tonight when things started to click into place, and not be too perturbed or intimidated by being back at the Festival on my own. As wanky as it may sound, I need to take control of my room for the hour of my show and make my stamp on it. At least tonight's show made me feel I can do it, and that was thanks to a terrific audience. Would it be impractical to ship them up to Scotland with me? 

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