Mostly Two in a Row.
There was a point during tonight's Mostly Comedy when I turned to Glyn, who was sitting behind me and said - in reference to the club as a whole - "How on Earth did this happen?"
I didn't mean it in a literal sense; I knew how the gig took place on a nuts and bolts level. It was more a question of what fortuitous chain of events resulted in the club growing to the size and status it has in a relatively short space of time.
When you look back on its story as a whole, and our various leaps and punts along the way, it's really quite extraordinary. We met a handful of acts very early on who've all gone on to great things, which helped us secure bigger and better line-ups. We've played host to a number of stars who are currently in their ascendancy, along with a fair few old favourites. When you consider that our first show was mainly made up of school and drama school friends on the bill, the logistics just don't tally. We shouldn't have such a vast array of well-known acts playing an event we largely set up on a whim; I'm so concerned as to how this happened that I may have to speak to someone about it.