
Last night I dreamt Ray Winstone gave me a lift to Hitchin, though we took a wrong turn and ended up driving along a railway track, unable to find a safe exit.

At least I think it was a dream; maybe it really happened, though if it did I’m not sure how I got home as the last thing I recall is us speeding down the railway with Winstone getting progressively anxious. I don’t know why I was in a car with him as just prior to realising he was at the wheel, I was leaving my office, which had somehow grown bigger and had my actor friend Adam Astill working in it; the more I think about it, the more sure I am that it was all the work of my subconscious.

It makes me wonder why my brain decided to mash such a load of nonsense together and why I didn’t work out at the time that it couldn’t be real; I’m pretty sure I’ve never shared a car with Ray Winstone, and Adam’s never been in my office, though I did spot him walking down the road from it the other day (though I saw him too late to say hello). Maybe I’ll finally learn those magic mushrooms before bed were just not a good idea.

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