An Apology.
If there's one thing a quick flick through my blogs from the last few days reveals it's that I need to stop writing just before bed, as that's when the gibberish bug bites me most often and I end up writing a load of nonsense.
It's embarrassing to see the rubbish I've written while attempting to work through my tiredness. I don't know why I insist on doing it as it seldom results in anything good, and it's also not an enjoyable process; if I start writing after a certain point I'll just end up chasing the clock and that's not fun for anyone, be they the reader or the writer.
I find this blog goes through cycles; flitting from being a useful place to vent my frustrations or make positive observations, to just being a weight around my neck. When I was up in Edinburgh, for example, it was surprisingly easy to write every day despite the inevitable monotony of the festival, but since I've been home it's not been fun at all; it's become another chore to get through before bed and what's the point in that?
Sometimes it's better to go to sleep than waste the effort if the results are going to be incoherent the next day. I suppose I can edit my last few blog posts from the brighter standpoint of a new day; in the meantime, I apologise for all the incomprehensible rubbish I've written of late.
It's embarrassing to see the rubbish I've written while attempting to work through my tiredness. I don't know why I insist on doing it as it seldom results in anything good, and it's also not an enjoyable process; if I start writing after a certain point I'll just end up chasing the clock and that's not fun for anyone, be they the reader or the writer.
I find this blog goes through cycles; flitting from being a useful place to vent my frustrations or make positive observations, to just being a weight around my neck. When I was up in Edinburgh, for example, it was surprisingly easy to write every day despite the inevitable monotony of the festival, but since I've been home it's not been fun at all; it's become another chore to get through before bed and what's the point in that?
Sometimes it's better to go to sleep than waste the effort if the results are going to be incoherent the next day. I suppose I can edit my last few blog posts from the brighter standpoint of a new day; in the meantime, I apologise for all the incomprehensible rubbish I've written of late.