4th Time Around.

I got married four years ago today.

It’s strange to think it was so recent, though in many ways it seems like only yesterday. We were fortunate to have a perfect day with lovely weather and a beautiful little venue called the Mayfair Library (which only opened as a temporary replacement for Marylebone Register Office while it was being refurbished, which is a shame as it was such a nice place) plus a small group of people who were comfortable with each other. One of my two Best Men, Stephen, often rather flatteringly cites it as the perfect wedding; I don’t know about that, but it was certainly right for us.

Getting married still feels like the best thing I've done four years on. My wife’s still my best friend after over thirteen years together and legally formalizing our relationship (to put it romantically) only made things better. We were lucky everything fell into place on our wedding day and on our honeymoon too (apart from a cancelled flight meaning a longer stay in Venice, which was hardly the most unpleasant place to spend a few extra days in). We somehow managed to have a day that was understated without being thrown away. It could have been far worse; we could have got married in Stevenage Register Office. We gave notice of intent there and that was bleak enough. It somehow managed to be more expensive to marry there than in central London. Perhaps this is due to Matalan's close proximity; you can’t buy that level of convenience.

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