Exaggerate! Exaggerate!
I take issue with
people who describe themselves as ‘award-winning’ on social media when the statement is about as vague as you
can get.
This admittedly
comes from someone who mentions his inclusion in a couple of ‘funniest
jokes at the Fringe’ lists in his byline on Twitter, but at least he
(or I) isn’t (or am not) alluding to an accolade without bothering with
specifics; when someone does that, I assume they’re missing it out on purpose,
and the prize in question was probably a swimming certificate.
Actually, the slightly boastful nature of my Twitter bio makes me a little uncomfortable if I'm honest, as I find any self-aggrandizing a bit smug and
egocentric; the best and most talented people don’t feel the need to big
themselves up as their ability speaks for itself, though in my case,
I’m more likely to stray too far into putting myself down territory.
In reality, I know I’m over-thinking it, as you can’t be a performer without a little self-promotion. That said, I’m still a realist and know it’s all nonsense; none of it means a thing - and that's coming from the bassist of the Best Band in Hertfordshire 1998.