Shazam: The Devil's Work.

I like to think of Shazam as just one stressed and overworked person, frantically flicking through their iTunes library.

No sooner have they correctly identified a song, than another call comes through. The workload is tremendous. By setting up the service, they created a rod for their own back. They used to love music, but now it just makes them uptight.

To do it so quickly would take considerable talent. I could probably name every Beatles song from a few bars (smug face), but that means being familiar with 214-ish tracks. Imagine having to recognize any recording ever made. We're talking Aswad, B*Witched, Chumbawamba, everything.

How it works is a mystery. I’d look it up, but I don't want to destroy the magic. I once managed to convince it that me playing my acoustic was a song by ELO though, which is a small source of personal pride.

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