A Bit of a Stew.
I'll keep it brief, as it's bloody late. Or early, depending on how you look at it.
Tonight, our Stewart Lee installment of Mostly Comedy finally came around. It's a gig that was months in the making. We announced it back in February, selling out in less than a week. Then, Stew's availability changed, meaning we had to reschedule wholesale to September. Ever since, barely a day has gone by without a request for tickets. It's easily the most demand we've had since the club began.
Running a comedy club can be fickle. Last night's London gig was cancelled, despite an excellent line-up headed by Red Dwarf's Norman Lovett. Tonight, we were packed to the rafters. While we cancelled last night, it wasn't an entirely wasted effort. Stewart Lee happened to be doing a set in the main house of the venue, so we bumped into him, managed to getting the awkward meeting-him-for-the-first time bit out of the way. We also overheard Norman chatting to him and praising our gig, so that helped soften the affair.
Tonight, we had the dubious honour of following Stewart, as he had to get back home. All in all, it went well. I'll fill in more detail tomorrow, when it's not so late.
The highlight for me was hearing him refer to our club by name during the set, and privately thinking to myself "I thought of that". Sometimes, you just can't predict how life will turn out.