Out and About.

My dad came out of hospital today, which was good news all round.

I was glad it was today and not Monday, when my mum will be at work and I have my show in Camden in the evening, or tomorrow when I’d be preparing for it. Also, it was just good to know he’d be back at home full stop, as I know he was getting sick of it (no pun intended). My wife and I went to pick him up early this afternoon and remarkably were back in the car - having gone up to the ward to help get my dad’s stuff together and then walked back to the car park - less than twenty minutes after arriving, which was pretty impressive, particularly considering my dad’s walking about has been minimal since he was admitted; perhaps it was his keenness to get home that helped it all be so speedy.

After we’d got him back and had sorted a few things out for him, we returned home to a reasonably quiet evening. I decided to reserve any further work on my show for tomorrow and not today, though I don’t have much to do, having run it a couple of times over the last few days. Being honest, I’m struggling to find the enthusiasm to think about it much at the moment, which has nothing to do with the show itself and more to do with how I’m feeling, plus the fact getting a decent sized audience is proving to be a struggle; it can be hard to find the want to do it when you feel like no-one else is interested; it’s particularly frustrating when you continually put in dates for industry people to see it for them to seldom come; perhaps I should get them to book the dates themselves at times they're free? It would certainly cut out the middleman.

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