IYIE #27
Tonight, I met with Glyn and Stephen to record Sunday's episode of our radio show In Your Inner Ear, barely minutes (or days) after we committed the last one to tape (or MP3).
Tonight's show felt considerably less frenetic than the previous one, largely due to us setting an intentionally slower pace. Glyn and I discussed this before Steve arrived; both of us feeling we could afford to sit back on our conversation, rather than racing ahead, as is our habit. We'd both listened to the last episode when it went out - and while we liked it, we were aware of the cross-talk that went on, particularly from the moment Steve joined us, when suddenly there were three people vying for space. Funnily enough, this was something our friend - and regularly IYIE listener - Glen Davies mentioned when we bumped into him immediately before recording.
"I love how you all talk at once," he said. He meant it as a positive, but it's still not what we want.
It was nice in a way to record this week's episode so close to the previous one, as it made us feel considerably more warmed up. This week's topic of 'Villains" was surprisingly easy to discuss (though I may change my mind when I listen to it back). God knows what we'll end up discussing in the next one; we're rapidly running out of titles to work with; pass the thesaurus.