Pleasant Valley Sundae.

I have an addiction that’s spiraling out of control. The time has come to address it. So here goes: I’m hooked on Marks & Spencer’s Triple Chocolate Sundaes.

It’s a secret shame that plagues every waking moment. It doesn’t help that I live 176 yards from an M&S Garage. That’s no distance when you have an obsession. Their fridge in is practically in view from my house. This doesn’t bode well for my calorie intake. 

There was a point when I was eating them every day. I now ration myself. I didn’t want to end up the subject of a Channel 5 documentary or buying clothing from Jacamo. I’ve got standards, after all.

It’s still a battle. Most dinnertimes I’ll hear the dessert start to call. I wonder if the staff have noticed how often I buy them. I'll hide it behind my other shopping, like I was buying porn. Not that I’d know.

It’s particularly bad when I don’t get anything else. One time, the guy behind the counter offered me a spoon, like he thought I'd eat it on the petrol station forecourt. Things aren't that bad yet.

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