Turn to page nine of tonight's Evening Standard and you'll be confronted by the shocking newsflash that PEOPLE WEAR HOODS.
I never knew this. Thank God for investigative journalism. If Hugh Grant's Hacked Off brigade got their way I'd have to step outside to find out this shit for myself - and I wouldn't want to do that. Not without a hood.
Admittedly, I'd have to walk to my nearest tube station to pick up the Standard to read the story in the first place; presumably passing a lot of hood wearers on the way. There's no point in going on foot to Cockfosters - which is 26.5 miles from Hitchin - to pore over a story about people's built-in coat bonnets if it's going to be spoilt en route.
That said, if I was going there with the express purpose of reading about hoods I must have known about them already. I must have seen it on their website. So why was I walking all that way?
I wonder if the fact most of the people pictured are young women has anything to do the story being run. To quote my old Magic 8 Ball: "signs point to yes".