Singing Nero's Praises.

Today, I popped into my local Caffè Nero to buy a black Americano and came out with this. 

I didn’t pay for the goody bag. It was a wedding gift. This goes to show the loveliness of the staff and the care they give their customers. They’re my favourite coffee shop with very good reason.

I used to worry that they thought I was weird. Before I had my office, I’d be in there nearly every day of the week. Most of my blog was written on the premises. It was the perfect place to work and a chance to get out of the house.

I’ve lost count of the amount of times I’ve been sitting in there, pretending not to wait for my agent to ring. When invariably it didn’t, or it did and the news was bad, it was nice to see a friendly face. The people who work there always show an interest. For someone who’s self-employed and spends a fair amount of time alone, it’s often nice to have a chat. Some of the staff have even been to see my shows. I do like to drum up an audience.

In recent weeks, with the wedding and the new office, I’ve been in a little less. I'll rectify this. If nothing else, it’s nice to have a 'usual' that I don’t even have to ask for. I feel like Emmerdale’s Seth Armstrong drinking in The Woolpack.

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