The Regeneration Game.

I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to Peter Capaldi in last Monday’s Doctor Who.

I have a soft spot for him anyway (which is probably a strange thing to say about an actor with a resting face of pure fury) and thought his casting was inspired, but despite this, it wasn’t until the most recent series that I felt everything fell into place; this was nothing to do with Capaldi’s performance, but more due to the fact that when he joined the show, the programme maybe needed a second reboot.

It probably didn’t help that I watched this week’s special in a post-Christmas-induced emotional state, so couldn’t deal with the inevitable tugged heartstrings of a departing Doctor; that said, I found Capaldi’s last few episodes hard to watch too, so the time of year’s no excuse: I’m just a vulnerable audience member.

The reason I didn’t want him to go yet is simple: it may be childish to have bought into what’s essentially a kids’ sci-fi series so completely, but Capaldi embodies what The Doctor should be for me: he’s strong, yet with a soft heart; kind, yet cutting. He’s the man the kid inside me wants to be.

(That kid's called Jake.)

That said, I’m completely down with the idea of a woman in the role, as this could be just the kick-start the programme needs; but while I'm a fan of Jodie Whittaker, I can't imagine her eyes will ever match Capaldi's for menace; I look forward to eating my words when I watch the next series.

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