Proper Goosey Gander.

Annotating the political dross that's come through my door to send it back to the parties in question minus a stamp - and with their own headquarters as the return address - was my good deed for the day.

It felt good to have a right to reply, rather than just seething to myself when I received them it and this going no further. I don't want to be on the mailing list of companies like this (which was the case with the UKIP and Brexit Party, both of whom actually sent me the leaflet). It's a load of sensationalist bullshit, designed to stoke up hatred to get what it wants. They don't care about spreading misinformation as long as their rhetoric brings about the desired end result, which in this instance it probably will; it's very depressing., Stlll, at least I managed to make my point...and their expense, hopefully. (Let's be honest though: when it comes to people in thin veils, Farage just isn't interested. I can't trust a party whose propaganda features their leader in the wrong aspect ratio.

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