Nobody Told Me.

What a lovely day for a 66-mile round trip to London for my second rescheduled doctors' appointment to be brought forward without my knowledge and without them thinking to call me when I didn't turn up to see if I'd received their letter; a £30 train ticket’s quite a price to pay for a Gray’s Inn Rd coffee.

The only good news was I managed to get back to Hitchin pretty quickly all things considered, though I did have to go to St Pancras rather than the usual King’s Cross due to Chris Grayling’s bastardised rail timetable (another Tory success story; "successstory?"), I'd received an answerphone message by the afternoon with the offer of a rescheduled appointment, but it’s still frustrating that I went all that way for no real reason, particularly when it’s the second time it's happened; you’d definitely think it would be obvious when I didn’t turn up yesterday that I might not been told of the change of date, when that situation could have just been resolved by a quick phone call.

The other positive to come from it was I was up and out early, which is always good as it puts you at an advantage,  I also got to briefly visit the Royal Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital, which is a member of the Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes Academy.

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