My Barren Brain.

I’ve spent the last hour staring at my screen, trying to think of something to write.

This is frustrating, as I wanted to finish two blogs today: one for now and one for Sunday. I’d planned to hold one back to allow more time at the weekend to work on my stand-up. It’s easier to do that then, as the building our office is in will be empty, and I feel less of a dick talking out loud. I’ll still feel a bit of a dick – that goes with the territory – just not as much as usual.

Of course, nobody’s insisting I write every day except me. This self-enforced deadline is arbitrary. But you can’t get over a year into something and then stop. That would be defeatist.

I’ve been really enjoying it lately, despite today’s blip. It’s been invaluable, both in keeping my brain ticking over and giving me the confidence to tell – and sell – a story. The last year has been an exercise in trying to find my voice. I think that's forming. Now, I’d like to do the same thing in a live context.

I may be blabbering today. That’s down to lack of inspiration. If so, you may be better off skipping to some of the other blogs I’ve written this week. Start with the one about my dad forcing me to like The Shadows. I was quite pleased with that.

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