Buddy Uncomfortable.

Pray silence for the most awkwardly posed photo of all time.

It was taken the day after we’d performed the Buddy Holly show in Armagh, Northern Ireland. We’re standing outside our hotel the next morning, with the Mayor, the hotel’s proprietor and a couple of representatives from MacMillan Cancer Support. By we, I mean the band’s rhythm guitarist Ben Tinniswood and me; the rest of the Cricketers were supposed to be there too, but they didn’t deign to get up.  

No-one looks comfortable with the situation. This was because we’d been ushered into a very specific formation by the photographer. No mayor should have to crouch like that. The balloons blowing into the woman’s face personify our self-consciousness; it only needs the major’s chain of office to come unclasped for the image to be complete.

One thing you can’t see is Ben’s and my physical discomfort. Our tuxedos were still damp with sweat from the night before. We showered first thing and got straight back into costume; we may as well have slept in it.

Not that we were unhappy to be there. The people were lovely and it was for a good cause. It’s just our awkward tactility that entertains me. My favourite thing is the position of the guy on the bottom left’s hand; who cups a headstock like that?

I had this picture framed as a house-warming present for Ben once. I think he appreciated it.

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