
Tonight, I told a friend that he reminds me of Lenny from The Simpsons. I think it backfired.

I watch the programme daily; it’s a good way to unwind. Each time Lenny Leonard comes into frame (or ‘onto paper’) I think of Ollie. Their Christian names even have a similar twang. Ollie doesn’t wear braces, nor does he worry about getting things in his eye, but other than that, the resemblance is uncanny. You need only paint him yellow for the image to be complete.

I’d been meaning to tell him about this for ages. I wanted to get it off my chest. Carrying it around had become a burden. Tonight was the night: mere minutes after he’d walked into a birthday party I was at, I dropped the bombshell.

It provoked confusion at first. He thought I meant Carl. His girlfriend thought I meant Otto. I delved into my coat pocket for my mobile to provide evidence (via the internet. I don’t have pictures of either Lenny or Ollie saved onto my phone).

I showed his girlfriend first and she laughed. Ollie seemed less sure. Hopefully it won’t tarnish our friendship. He’d probably wished I’d said Doctor Hibbert. Even if he didn’t agree, it won’t stop me thinking it. That’s not how brains work. 

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