'University Challenged 2017/18: Volume Two (24.07.17)'

Can it really be that time again? Has the new series of University Challenge come around this quickly?

The answer to both of the above questions is yes, as barely three months after we waved goodbye to the likes of Monkman and Bobby Seagull, the world’s most perplexing quiz - both in terms of the questions and the style choices of some of the contestants - is back on BBC2. Unfortunately, I missed the first episode last week as I was gigging, but I was in front of my TV in good time today, with my phone in hand for a spot of live tweeting.

See below for the bumpf I said; I like to offer an audio descriptive University Challenge experience.

Trinity Cambridge Vs. Bristol (24.07.17)

8:03PM: Petrie? PETRIE?! What a dish.

8:04PM: Look at Bowes.

8:05PM: Hosegood...Hosegood...he's Ebenezer Good.

8:06PM: I hadn't noticed the curls in Bowes' beard until the close-up. I'm speechless.

8:07PM: Bowes looks like he's going for five looks at once.

8:07PM: Dev's wearing a cosy jumper.

8:09PM: Petrie knows how to tie a bow-tie unaided.

8:11PM: Bowes' Checklist:
Waistcoat? CHECK.
Pubey beard? CHECK.
Different consistency to the hair on his head? CHECK.

8:11PM: Petrie's so brittle he may snap.


8:13PM: My dad would refer to Bowes as a tool.

8:14PM: Bowes, Briggs, Hosegood and Hewett sounds like an incantation.

8:15PM: I suffered from an acute block once.

8:16PM: Bowes' arms-on-hips stance gets wider with every passing shot.

8:18PM: Do you think Bowes owns a bowler hat? A boater? A top hat? First Edition copies of the complete Lord of the Rings? YES.

8:20PM: Pass Petrie some vitamin D supplements.

8:23PM: Paxman even looks disdainful and dismissive of the question cards as he holds them.

8:24PM: Pitt the Glint in the Milkman's Eye.

8:28PM: The Giant's Causeway (or the 3-Dimensional Blockbusters Board, as I refer to it).

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