Now Who's a Posing Comedian?

Today, my wife and I attempted to take some promotional shots for the artwork for my Edinburgh show.

I’m pretty sure we got what we were after, but if we haven’t, we’re not far off it. We’d meant to do them all week, but kept being rained off - and any days when the weather was suitable, the location we’d earmarked would have been too busy, as it’s next to Hitchin Market; it’s enough to try to get results without people gawping at you.

Even if we haven’t got the exact picture yet, I’m very happy with the concept. I won’t blow it here just yet, but it’s a nice idea that was suggested by my PR, that fits the show title ‘Now Who’s a Comedian?’ perfectly. It also plays right into my preferred style of show artwork, which is to use a single undoctored image that tells the story without much else. It’s also subtle, understated and naturalistic; there’s nothing I hate more than a photograph of a gurning, ironic-face-pulling comedian.

The only reason we might not have got it today was due to the constantly changing light. Outdoor photographs tend to come out best if it’s not too bright and today kept chopping and changing between sunny and muted. I’ve noted down my favourite of today’s pictures, which I’ll look at again tomorrow with a clear head and if it doesn’t feel quite right, we can try again one early evening this week; I’ll share the results here in due course.

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