Looks Familiar.

If there was ever any doubt that I look like my dad, this photograph lays it to rest.

I found it today while visiting his house to set up a location for my promotional image for Edinburgh (for which all will be revealed shortly). Each time I'm there, I see something that either makes me smile or makes my heart catch in my throat; it's like an exercise in getting closer to him, to be hit by the fact he's now so far away, and I hate that.

It's not the first time I've seen a picture where our resemblance is so obvious, but it's still nice to be reminded of it. It looks so like the younger me in my band days, it's ridiculous, even down to the flares, which I used to wear despite the fact it wasn't the 1970s. It's a comfort to know we share this, though I just wish I could take to him about it.

I talk to him quite a lot when I'm there on my own. I say how much I miss him and how I wish things weren't as they are, and try to explain the shit situation I'm in that I know he would have helped with (he would have hated how my Edinburgh run's been c/compromised for a kick-of). But at least I know he's got my back even though I can't see him.

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