Leave it Out.

I find myself trying to avoid negativity at every turn at the moment, which is particularly hard when you venture near the internet. 

I know sometimes I’m the one complaining, be it here or on Twitter - or just shouting at my television - but I wish we spent more time celebrating the good instead of looking for the worst in everything, particularly when coming from an uninformed viewpoint.

For example, I read an article today, which as an aside threw out the statement, "Carole King could never sing”; I don't think we need dignify that with a response.

The problem is, we live in a society where it’s become fashionable to tear people down instead of build them up; Simon Cowell, Piers Morgan and the Daily Mail, I’m talking to you. All three examples will spout on relentlessly from a point of complete ignorance and sadly, a disquieting proportion of people lap it up. It’s like drivers slowing to look at a road accident or the abundance of magazines discussing whether celebrities have put on weight: it’s the worst aspect of humanity; I may sound like someone’s nan, but why can’t they say something nice?

…and by the way, I love Carole King’s voice because it’s honest.

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