Churning Them Out.

This is my 160th consecutive daily blog.

I’m not sure whether to feel proud of this mini-milestone or not. Sticking to such a stringent deadline could suggest that I have far too much time on my hands.

Some days I enjoy writing and some days I don’t. I’ll often stare at my computer screen with absolutely no idea of what to write about. It’s usually at the point that I’m about to give in that a subject pops into my head.

Sometimes I wonder why I’m doing it. What’s the point? Yesterday, I had a crisis of confidence about the whole thing. It suddenly hit me that maybe nothing I’d written was any good.

I decided to read back a couple of posts at random, to see what I thought. I actually quite enjoyed them, though I may have made a couple of lucky choices. Worryingly, there were a few I barely even remembered writing; I guess that’s what happens when you do it every day.

My problem is I’m hypercritical. I can tear myself apart over the smallest grammatical mistake. I probably shouldn’t take it so seriously. Not everything I write will be good.

All in all, it's been a useful exercise. I wonder how long I'll decide to keep it up?

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