Tax Idiocy.
afternoon, I started getting my records together for my tax return.
Well, I thought I did, but I was wrong. Very wrong.
Despite spending a couple of hours at it: printing out my invoices and bank
statements; methodically working through my accounts, cross-referencing
everything against my diary – it gradually dawned on me that every second had
been wasted.
Why? Because I
was working on the wrong tax year, that's why; I was collating my records for
2011-12, when I should have been working on 2012-13.
(A subtle but important difference.)
Up to that point
I was enjoying myself. I don’t mind doing my tax return because I find
it quite interesting; I like looking through my receipts and remembering what I
did and when. I was pleased to
be making steady progress; happily singing along to the Paul McCartney album
‘Tug of War’ as I worked.
As soon as I
realised my mistake, Macca was switched off (probably for the best, as I
was nearly at Ebony and Ivory). I sat in silence,
clutching a brand new copy of the selfsame records I’d already compiled a year
It’s fair to say
that if either Moira Stuart or Adam Hart-Davis had knocked on my door at that
moment, I wouldn’t have been responsible for my actions.
Who says tax doesn't have to be taxing?