Out for the Count.

For much of today I have been wearing my post-Mostly Comedy thousand-yard stare.

It didn't help that we finished packing up quite late, then sat down to record the links for the next episode of our More Than Mostly Comedy Podcast, plus some off-the-cuff answers to a few questions sent to us by BBC Radio Leicester, to help promote our show at next month’s Dave’s Leicester Comedy Festival.

That sentence went on forever. For me, tiredness and rambling go hand in hand (and not in a countryside walking sense.) 

I then came back home to write my blog, so didn’t get into to bed until about 4:30am. I've only got myself to blame. 

Still, it was nice to be able to fit so much in. I also had a casting in the morning, so it was a busy day all round.

I don't mind. Busy = GOOD.

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