Gently Does It.
I'm feeling quite vulnerable at the moment.
I don't really know how to approach my work. It all feels very moot. I'm sure it's just a blip - and it's no wonder, considering what's going for me at the moment - but I've got no impetus to get things done. I've recently been more candid than usual about my uncertainty, along with my dad's and my health situation, and it's made me feel very raw.
Over the past two days, I've had a few, brief flashes of ideas, which is a step forward, but I'm still unsure how I'm going to navigate the coming months. Somehow, I've got to get my head around preparing for Edinburgh while there's a big question mark around my personal life, and to compound it, I'm trying to be funny when I'm not feeling remotely comedic. Perhaps I should employ a writer or an understudy; that would take the pressure off.
I'm just going to try to rein things in. Sometimes it's best to focus on something small, and the fact my dog's fast asleep on the sofa next to me is helping. I should get some sleep myself too; most things look better on a fresh day after a rest.
I don't really know how to approach my work. It all feels very moot. I'm sure it's just a blip - and it's no wonder, considering what's going for me at the moment - but I've got no impetus to get things done. I've recently been more candid than usual about my uncertainty, along with my dad's and my health situation, and it's made me feel very raw.
Over the past two days, I've had a few, brief flashes of ideas, which is a step forward, but I'm still unsure how I'm going to navigate the coming months. Somehow, I've got to get my head around preparing for Edinburgh while there's a big question mark around my personal life, and to compound it, I'm trying to be funny when I'm not feeling remotely comedic. Perhaps I should employ a writer or an understudy; that would take the pressure off.
I'm just going to try to rein things in. Sometimes it's best to focus on something small, and the fact my dog's fast asleep on the sofa next to me is helping. I should get some sleep myself too; most things look better on a fresh day after a rest.