Lazy Tuesday.

I’m not feeling very inspired to write today.

I’ve used the morning to catch up on a little admin. Now I’m at a bit of a loss. There are a few things I could be doing, but I’m not in the mood.

I’m certainly enjoying the luxury of our new office. We’ve had it for just over a fortnight now and it’s starting to take shape. It’s nice to have a space to come to work.

I’ve also been using the room to meditate, though not so much over the last few days, as I’m still suffering from labyrinthitis. It’s frustrating as it makes it difficult to concentrate. I feel like one of my eyes is constantly flicking from left to right. It’s like being drunk, without any of the benefits.

Hopefully this will pass over the next few days. Until then, forgive me if I literally walk into you on the street. That’s my excuse, anyway.

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