Is it Bedtime Yet?

I’m too tired to concentrate today.

I haven’t slept properly since Thursday’s Mostly Comedy. By the time we’d interviewed John Thomson and packed everything away, it was 2:30am. I then got up at 5:30am, ready for my trip up Big Ben (which I’ll cover in tomorrow’s blog). Last night’s sleep was similarly broken, thanks to the back pain sustained from climbing 334 stairs to see a massive bell. I like to moan.

While I know the essence of what I want to say today, I’m finding it hard to word it succinctly. I don’t want to waste an interesting story by getting it half right. Rather than forcing it and being unsatisfied by the result, I’ll call it a day.

I don’t like writing posts like this. It’s not what I set out do when I gave myself a daily deadline. But there’s no point in burning out my tiny brain when it’s hard to find a replacement; something Steve Martin would vouch for.

I need a quiet evening and a good night’s sleep. So I'd better get on the case. I’ll leave you with a little trivia: my watch is just ten seconds shy of London’s most famous clock. I’ll bear this in mind next time I make an appointment. There's nothing worse than tardiness.

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