Missing Cat
Yesterday, we took the cat to my fiancée's sister's flat, so she (the sister) can look after her (the cat) while we're away for our wedding and honeymoon (don't burgle us). I keep forgetting this, and expecting see the cat about the house.
It's very confusing. We also have two budgies, who live in the bedroom (as pets; they're not feral). We'll usually observe a complicated airlock-like procedure to ensure our feline and feathered lodgers never meet. Millie is a housecat, so any potential exits must be kept shut. All of a sudden, the rule book has been thrown out the window (which can be left wide open afterwards, as a bonus).
More than once, I've mistaken a screwed-up cardigan for a sleeping cat. Thankfully, I've realised my mistake pretty quickly. I haven't tried to feed it, or take it to the vet.
"Can you tell me why my cat has grown sleeves?"
It may be silly, but I miss having her about. She's excellent company. I'll always keep pets. Having life around me always lifts my mood.
I'm sure Millie will enjoy her holiday. She'll no doubt be spoiled rotten. By the end of the week, she probably won't want to come back. By which time, I'll have formed a strong bond with the cardigan.