Bad Blog.

I've spent the evening writing a blog, which I've decided to abort at the last minute. It wasn't coming out how I'd have liked.

This illustrates perfectly what I said in yesterday's blog about acting on an idea quickly. While the essence of what I'd written had potential, I didn't attack it at the right moment. Consequently, it sounded forced. As it is, I've decided to leave it to another day; I may find a new way in on looking at it with fresh eyes. 

My day's been productive, abandoned blogs aside. I emailed the acts for Thursday's Mostly, tinkered with some new material (edging it slightly closer to the finish line) and ran my set for Thursday. At this precise moment, I'm acting as a bed for my cat. However little or much I've accomplished today, at least I know I've achieved more than her. All she's done is sleep, eat, sleep, eat, shit, sleep and eat. That said, she's probably got the balance right. ‎‎

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