Spinning Administrative Plates.

Today's been a day of juggling admin (as in ‘switching jobs’, not ‘stocking up on balls’).

First thing's first, I sent off my application for next year’s Brighton Fringe Festival. I’d been feeling edgy about this since registration opened on Monday, which is ridiculous, considering how late I got in this year, but I didn’t want a repeat of my recent Leicester Debacle, which meant I won't be taking part in their festival next February. It's a relief to get my form in early, as it's good to chalk another task off the list. All I've got left now is the small matter of writing the show, but there’s nothing like a deadline to focus the mind.

(Not that I’ve been accepted yet. Word may have spread.)

I also continued emailing acts in an attempt to pull together some equally exciting line-ups for Mostly in the New Year as those we’ve been having of late. This is no mean feat, in and of itself, as the standard has been high (Paul Daniels, Stewart Lee and John Thomson, for goodness’ sake), but at least the role call is such that it should entice people in. We’re moving to a new venue in January (news we haven't officially dropped yet, but who reads this?), which will give us more room for manoeuvre (literally). We’ll be paying someone to set up the tech for us, plus the venue will do a lot of the room set-up themselves, so there’ll be less for us to do on the day. I’m hoping this will free more time up for us to work on new material together, which will be a bonus (or what it should be about, as we didn’t set out to be promoters).

Finally, I contacted some venues in hope of securing a few more solo gigs. Oh, and I watered the office plant. That was the most important job of the lot.

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