Me, You, You and You.

Today’s show had just to two real people in, plus my new flyerer (who’s a real person too) who unfortunately had to leave before the end; something I was sure to mention at the beginning, so the two genuine punters didn’t think she was walking out.

It was once again a lovely show and the pair in were very receptive, but of course it’s frustrating to do a good one and have so few people see it. Basically, I’m falling victim to a terrible start-time, as when I arrive there’s essentially no-one about, but when I leave the venue at 13:20pm, The Caves is bustling with people going to watch the mixed bill show Afternoon Delights or some such.

I sincerely hope this picks up, as I don’t want a show I’m proud of that’s starting to settle despite a difficult genesis (like Phil Collins' stroppy band) to be seen by next-to-nobody and to just get a single and largely inaccurate write-up, like the one from The List that popped up yesterday, which bizarrely suggested I got the title of my show wrong twice mid-performance, which I can only take to mean that they thought when I paraphrased the name whilst discussing the show’s theme I'd forgotten what it was called and was making a mistake, which is absolutely ludicrous as I’m not a complete idiot.

But back to the positives; for one, the show has a more comfortable running time now and is no longer a fight to-the-finish to get everything in. I also feel like people are enjoying it. The links feel quite relaxed, and while I may occasionally undersell some of the material so it doesn’t sound overstated when performing to a small house, it’s falling well for the most part. Best of all, my wife’s up tomorrow, so I get a break from the whole Edinburgh mindset. I only hope I haven’t forgotten her name like I allegedly have with my show; you would have thought with all the preparatory work I did for the Fringe I would have learnt what it's called; it is Adventures of Hucklebury Finn, isn't it?

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