
Why do some people insist on wearing t-shirts like this?

I understand that taste is subjective; one man’s idea of what constitutes fashion may differ wildly from the next. Let’s be clear, though: while style is certainly a matter of personal opinion, if you choose to walk a round with an outsize painting of a wolf on your chest, then yours is the wrong personal opinion.

The same goes for having a wolf-themed tyre-cover on the back of your 4x4.

I’ve got nothing against wolves, per se. They certainly have their place – but that place isn’t on another man’s chest. I’ve never seen a coyote wearing a t-shirt with a man on it; why would the other way around be acceptable?

To be fair, I’ve seldom seen a wolf dressed in anything – save the occasional bit of sheep’s clothing.

I’m generally not one for wearing clothing with pictures on it – or worse still, text.  I can’t really comprehend why you’d want to walk around with a lame joke on your chest; a gag that’s destined to become less amusing with every subsequent wash.

Amusing clothing is the final refuge of the humorously bereft.

Not all slogan-based clothing is meant to be funny, though. Sometimes the impact can be quite the opposite. The strangest example I ever saw was spotted whilst walking through the back streets of Great Yarmouth with my friend, Steve – when a man passed us wearing a black sweatshirt covered front-to-back with a long and detailed essay about the life of Jade Goody.

It was clearly apparent that this man wasn’t a friend or relative, but a fan – who had felt suitably moved by her sad demise to design his own sweatshirt tribute.

Her passing was very sad – and the details are worth spreading, if only to educate – but wearing another person’s eulogy on his chest did seem a little macabre.

Ultimately, I suppose anyone should be allowed to wear what they want (with the exception of vicars and lycra). I’m hardly one to judge: some of my Noel Edmonds-style paisley shirts are not to everybody’s taste.

At least I don’t tuck them in and wear a big chunky belt. 

Also, have you noticed how unkempt his facial hair has become of late? Noel Edmonds' new beard makes it look like he's sucking a magnet.

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