Banana Excitement.

Last night I reached a personal low point.

I ate a banana just before going to bed (as you do) – and was just about to throw away the skin when I remembered that we now also have a bin specifically for recycling food waste – and for a second, I was genuinely excited by the prospect.


As you get a little older your goalposts start to shift – and your expectation of what constitutes time well spent is lowered considerably. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to recycle a banana skin; it’s deriving pleasure from it that’s a cause for concern.

It’s a bit like when I was on tour a few years back and got into the habit of buying a Kit Kat on two-show days. I’d reach a point in the second half of the matinee when my energy levels would dip – then I'd remember the chocolate bar back in my dressing room and my performance would palpably lift.

I'd like to think my excitement was justified. It was a four finger Kit Kat.

It wasn’t just the prospect of a bit of potentially compostable fruit waste that set my endorphins a-buzzing last night; I also got a kick when I realised that putting a t-shirt on under my shirt before going out meant I could wear the same shirt again today if I wanted to.

I didn’t do it as a matter of principle; you can have too much of a good thing.

There is a definite upside to being so easily pleased, though: imagine how amazing it will feel when something genuinely exciting happens.

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